MUMBAI: After Star India launching its free to air (FTA) movie channel Star Utsav Movie, Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN) has expanded the scope of its Hindi movie channels from 3 to 4 with Sony Wah.
Based on a deep understanding of audiences across different strata in the Hindi-speaking markets (HSM) landscape, Sony WAH a premium FTA Hindi movie channel will cater to the unserved needs of rural and small town India.
Celebrating the best of Hindi Cinema, Sony WAH, with its positioning of ‘Filmon Ka Mela” will bring alive the content and experience that audiences of FTA channels have never seen before. The channel will showcase a mix of Hindi movies as well as films from the southern parts of India dubbed in Hindi. There will be a lot of marquee titles as well ranging across present-day blockbusters to movies from the last 3 decades.
With this launch, SPN’s Hindi movie channel cluster comprising of Sony MAX, Sony MAX2, Sony MAX HD and Sony WAH will cover the entire viewer spectrum of HSM at 94 percent unduplicated reach.
Sony Max & Sony Max 2 senior EVP Neeraj Vyas said, “With the launch of Sony WAH, Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN) becomes the only network to cover a range of audiences across multiple geographies with its unique offering of 4 distinct and differently positioned Hindi movie channels. Sony WAH completes the circle with its focus on rural and FTA audiences offering them a spectrum of movies they would want to see and when they want to see; enabling both choice and selection for the viewer”.
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